4 maps predicting snowfall totals in Mass. from the nor’easter
Plus a look at New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont.
National Weather Service

Boston 25 News
New Hampshire and Maine


Daily Local Weather Forecast
Today July 29Showers71° 66°
Tue July 30Mostly cloudy with thunderstorms85° 70°
Wed July 31Partly sunny with thunderstorms79° 71°
Thu August 01Intermittent clouds85° 75°
Fri August 02Mostly cloudy87° 74°
Sat August 03Mostly cloudy86° 73°
Sun August 04Intermittent clouds87° 72°
Daily Local Weather Forecast
Hourly Forecast
- 67° Precipitation 68% 7AM
- 67° Precipitation 55% 8AM
- 66° Precipitation 58% 9AM
- 66° Precipitation 49% 10AM
- 66° Precipitation 34% 11AM
- 67° Precipitation 34% 12PM
- 67° Precipitation 40% 1PM
- 68° Precipitation 51% 2PM
- 68° Precipitation 47% 3PM
- 69° Precipitation 44% 4PM
- 70° Precipitation 44% 5PM
- 71° Precipitation 48% 6PM
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