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What’s your best tip for visiting Fenway Park?

Let us know how a first-timer should experience the iconic Boston landmark and surrounding neighborhood to maximize their experience.

"Big League Brian” takes a selfie with fans before the Red Sox home opener against the Baltimore Orioles at Fenway Park in Boston, MA on April 9, 2024. -Craig F. Walker/Globe Staff Craig F. Walker/Globe Staff

“Titletown” is a sport’s lover’s haven, and for good reason. Home of talented sports teams and even more iconic sports venues, the strong culture and passion for teams brings tourists to Boston year round to indulge in the city’s rich sports history.

Among the many venues for Boston sports is none other than the beloved Fenway Park, America’s oldest baseball park and home of the nine-time World Series champions the Boston Red Sox. A prized jewel of the Fenway-Kenmore neighborhood, the Green Monster is a vibrant attraction to visit when you are in the city.


From game days to concerts and more, Fenway Park and its surrounding neighborhood offer a unique cultural experience, especially for those who have never been.

If Fenway Park is on the itinerary for your next trip, you may be wondering about the best views in the stadium, how to get there efficiently, and what you should eat in and outside of the stadium, amongst other things. 

One Reddit user recently posted to “r/boston” subreddit asking for recommendations for the best seat in the stadium. The community offered their tips.

Some users suggested purchasing tickets day of or day before can help maximize your experience and may even help you snag a deal in the process.

“You will have the best deal by looking on SeatGeek one day before the game,” one user said. “Using this method you will maximize the quality of seat you can get for any price you are willing to pay.”

“I would take folks advice on preferred seating, but hold off on tickets until you are in town,” another user said. “you will likely find some last minute deals online via resellers (or at least avoid fees by buying at the park day of).”


If Fenway Park is where you want to splurge, seats in the Green Monster section are a fan favorite and can run you upwards of $500. However, there are plenty of seating options for any budget.

While at the game, you might grab a classic New England bite or staple ball game food like a Fenway Frank or a slice of pizza at the concession stands

Considering how busy game days can get, the Park recommends transportation options like taking the train or parking in a nearby garage.

If you frequent Fenway Park and have some expert tips to share on getting the full game day experience, we want to hear from you. Whether it’s your favorite seat in the house, your go-to meal, places to visit before and after the game, best practices for avoiding crowds, and everything else in between, let us know. 

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