Local News

Moving truck destroyed after being dramatically ‘Storrowed’ on Soldier’s Field Road

Pictures showed the entire roof of the Enterprise moving truck trailing behind the vehicle.

A moving truck hit the North Harvard Street Bridge overpass Tuesday morning, NBC 10 Boston reported, ironically becoming “Storrowed” on a street other than Storrow Drive.

The Enterprise moving truck was on Soldier’s Field Road when it hit the overpass at about 7 a.m., according to NBC 10 Boston. Pictures from the scene showed the entire roof of the truck ripped off and the right side wall collapsed. 

Soldier’s Field Road eventually leads into Storrow Drive. The drive’s name inspired a colloquial term for New Englanders known as “Storrowing,” or when moving truck or other large vehicles strike a bridge. 


A user on X posted a picture of the accident, captioning it “Not quite Storrow Drive (Soldier’s Field Road instead).” 


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