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If you’re driving out of state with a Massachusetts license plate, it’s possible that fellow drivers may be eyeing you suspiciously. “Massholes” get a bad rap when it comes to their driving skills, and to be fair, it is warranted.
In AllState’s annual “America’s Best Drivers Report,” Boston drivers have ranked among the worst drivers out of 200 other major U.S. cities in recent years. In 2017, Boston ranked the worst-driving major city in America. According to the study, Boston drivers were nearly 80% more likely to file an accident claim than the national average. In fact, we were rated the worst for 2015, 2016, and 2017.
In the car insurer’s 2018 report, Boston moved up from the bottom of the ranking. Boston drivers’ car crash reports changed from occurring every 3.6 years on average, to every 3.9 years. So, we’re getting there.
One might argue that there are a few other factors that contribute to our driving.
Traffic in Boston is the fourth worst in the world. An annual study from transportation analytics company INRIX found that Boston drivers lost more than five days to traffic last year. Boston streets are hard enough to manage when you are not in a hurry, but for those taking the weekly commute into Boston, you have to expect that it’s going to take a while.
Bad roads could also play a role in our hazardous driving tactic as well. A Consumer Affairs report released in 2021 said that Massachusetts made the top five worst roads in the country. The rating was based on pavement roughness, road spending, and which states have the most dangerous road conditions. Massachusetts was reported as having 472 bridges and more than 1,194 miles of highway that the federal government considers in poor condition.
Given that we must conquer a multitude of problems that come with living in the Bay State, we want to know: How would you describe a Massachusetts driver?
Share your response with us by filling out the survey below or e-mailing us at [email protected] and we may feature your response in a future article.
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