Local News

Dedham officials issue warning after husky found in hot locked car

The pup is "thankfully" fine, Dedham Animal Control says.

Video footage of the dog locked in the car. Dedham Animal Control

Dedham officials are telling residents that “If you see something, say something” applies to animals, too. 

The warning comes after Dedham Animal Control responded to reports of a husky locked in a car for more than 30 minutes while its owner shopped at the nearby Star Market on Wednesday. 

Dedham Animal Control posted a video to Facebook showing the husky sitting in the car, panting furiously. It appears that all windows in the car were rolled up. 

Pet heat safety

Temperatures in Dedham reached around 79 degrees when Animal Control found the dog. Huskies are very susceptible to heat stroke due to their heavy coats, experts say.


The department said a separate dog owner approached officers as they arrived on the scene. She told officers she was also going to leave her dog in her car, but that she would ‘’just be a minute’’ inside the grocery store.

“Needless to say, we derailed her shopping plan quickly, advising her that if she continues into the store while leaving her dog inside her car, she will be cited,” the Facebook post says.

The husky should be alright, Animal Control said. They praised the concerned citizen who notified them, saying this instance “supports why, ‘if you see something, say something’ is so very important!”


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