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MBTA tracking, signage impacted by Microsoft outage, but service still running

The global outage has not had an impact on the delivery of train and bus services, a T spokesperson confirmed. 

A global Microsoft outage on Friday impacted MBTA bus tracking and in-station signage, but not the delivery of services, a T spokesperson confirmed. Lane Turner/Boston Globe Staff, File

A widespread technology outage wreaked havoc on air travel, banking, and health care systems Friday, but in a rare bit of good news for Boston commuters, the MBTA emerged largely unscathed.

The outage has not had an impact on the delivery of train and bus services, a T spokesperson confirmed Friday morning. 

In a post on X, the T warned that bus tracking and in-station signage may be incorrect or unavailable due to a software issue. The spokesperson confirmed the problem is related to the global Microsoft outage.

“We are working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible,” the MBTA wrote in its post.


In an update just before 10 a.m., the T said bus prediction and location information had returned.

The commuter rail experienced similar issues, warning social media users that real-time train locations and arrival predictions are currently unavailable due to the outage. 

“This technical issue is also impacting boarding information at Boston stations,” the commuter rail wrote. “Trains are operating as intended.”

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